ANPR Cameras
GXS ANPR Solution is ideal for managing free limited time (for example free parking for a maximum of 2 hours), or paid (Pay & Display) parking environments. Economy of time is key to our solutions as they ensure the effective use of space so that regular users of each car park are not inconvenienced by motorists misusing or overstaying in a space.
SOLAR Powered ANPR Cameras, for the total Green solution or to go where other cameras cannot, the GXS Solar is an amazing option for any landowner.
Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology is highly effective both as a parking management tool and an enforcement tool, driving up revenue for the landowner and space availability.
GXS ANPR solution captures the movement of all vehicles entering and exiting your car park and communicates this information to a central computer control system.
This system continuously processes the information against defined parameters for your car parking facility 24 hours a day. Any vehicles found to be contravening parking conditions will be identified using the DVLA registered keeper database and a Fixed Charge Notice will be posted to the Registered Keeper of the vehicle for payment.GXS manage a professional seamless internal appeal process that is backed by the Independent appeals Service.
Revenue Generation from ANPR
ANPR is an excellent way to produce revenue from your car park, with every paid contravention generating a commision payment back to you.
With all enforcement tied to our back office sotware the system is seemless and stress free for the client.
Whitelist and vistor portals can be easily installed and maintained by the client for hassle free mangement and total visability.
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